Provides a threshold attribute for this rule, which is specified manually for default values but can be also obtained from within a configuration object.
Clears previous findings. Normally this is done on every new KtFile analyzed and should be called by clients.
Simplified version of with rule defaults.
Reports a single new violation. By contract the implementation can check if this finding is already suppressed and should not get reported. An alias set can be given to additionally check if an alias was used when suppressing. Additionally suppression by rule set id is supported.
Same as report but reports a list of findings.
Retrieves a sub configuration or value based on given key. If the configuration property cannot be found, null is returned.
Basic mechanism to decide if a rule should run or not.
Before starting visiting kotlin elements, a check is performed if this rule should be triggered. Pre- and post-visit-hooks are executed before/after the visiting process. BindingContext holds the result of the semantic analysis of the source code by the Kotlin compiler. Rules that rely on symbols and types being resolved can use the BindingContext for this analysis. Note that detekt must receive the correct compile classpath for the code being analyzed otherwise the default value BindingContext.EMPTY will be used and it will not be possible for detekt to resolve types or symbols.
If your rule supports to automatically correct the misbehaviour of underlying smell, specify your code inside this method call, to allow the user of your rule to trigger auto correction only when needed.
The default names which can be used instead of this ruleId to refer to this rule in suppression's.